Let Your Dreams be Bigger Than Your Fears.

If you’re looking for gentle, natural ways to feel better you’re in the right place and I’m glad you’re here.

My techniques can be content free; that means you don’t need to tell me your story unless you want to.

I offer solutions for all ages, to meet individual needs and get to the root of the problem

Please have a look around to learn more and use the button below to arrange a free chat.

For You



You have a unique gift to bring to the world and deserve to live a life you love.

Happiness means different things to different people and I really want to help you rediscover yours. 

For your Family

With over 20 years professional experience, and as a parent myself, I understand how important it is to you that children are happy and settled. I use gentle, effective and child-centred techniques to help with childhood issues.

My Toolkit


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a gentle form of balancing energy therapy Find Out More…

EFT (Tapping)

EFT is an energy medicine technique that combines talk and gentle touch therapy

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Coaching gets you from where you are now to where you want to be in your life

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Kinetic Shift

Kinetic Shift is a  blended technique to resolve Stresses Fears and Phobias.

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Hypnotherapy works with your subconscious mind to make long lasting changes to habits and behaviours

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